Tone Generators

Buzz tone generator

Generates a nasal-sounding tone composed of the base frequency plus n-1 harmonics.


Author: David R.Sky

Generates a nasal-sounding tone composed of the base frequency plus n-1 harmonics. If for example you choose a frequency of 100 Hz with n=4 harmonics, this plugin will generate a tone comprised of 100, 200, 300 and 400 Hz, of equal amplitude. (The more harmonics, the more nasal and high-pitched the tone sounds.)


  1. Frequency or MIDI number: [0=frequency, 1=MIDI (default)]

  2. Frequency: [20 - 5000 Hz, default 110]

  3. MIDI note number: [16 - 127, default 45]

  4. Number of harmonics: [1 - 60, default 12]

  5. Buzz tone duration: [0.1 - 120 seconds, default 5.0]

  6. Volume: [1 - 100 percent, default 95]

DTMF Tones (random)

Touch Tones (also known as DTMF or Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones) are the tones made by key pads on telephones. Each tone is comprised of two separate tones at different pitch, hence "dual tone".


Authors: David R.Sky, Dominic Mazzoni, Roger Dannenberg, W. Borgert

Touch Tones (also known as DTMF or Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones) are the tones made by key pads on telephones. Each tone is comprised of two separate tones at different pitch, hence "dual tone".


  1. Number of DTMF Tones: [1 - 120, default 20]

  2. Include military tones A-D: [0 = no (default), 1 = yes]

  3. Option to include silent intervals: [0 = no (default), 1 = yes]

  4. Volume: [0.001 - 1.000, default 0.3]

  5. Tone length [0.001 - 1.000 seconds, default 0.1]

  6. High to low tone ratio: (or twist) [0 - 4 dB, default 0] - "Twist" is the volume ratio between the higher-pitched and lower-pitched tones in any given tone. So a twist value of 0 dB means the higher-pitched tone is no louder than the lower-pitched tone. A twist value of 4 dB means the higher-pitched tone is 4 dB louder than the lower-pitched tone.

  7. Post silence duration: [0 - 1 seconds, default 0.1]

DTMF Tones

Touch Tones (also known as DTMF or Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones) are the tones made by key pads on telephones. Each tone is comprised of two separate tones at different pitch, hence "dual tone".


Authors: David R.Sky, Dominic Mazzoni, Roger Dannenberg, W. Borgert

Touch Tones (also known as DTMF or Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones) are the tones made by key pads on telephones. Each tone is comprised of two separate tones at different pitch, hence "dual tone".

Type in your telephone number, or an 'alphabetized' number such as "1800audacity". Includes the US Military's A, B, C and D tones to the right of the regular number keypad.


  1. Tone string: [1800audacity (default)]

  2. Tone duration: [1 - 1000 milliseconds, default 100]

  3. Silence duration after tone: [0 - 1000 milliseconds, default 100]

  4. Twist: [0 - 4 dB, default 0] - "Twist" is the volume ratio between the higher-pitched and lower-pitched tones in any given tone. So a twist value of 0 dB means the higher-pitched tone is no louder than the lower-pitched tone. A twist value of 4 dB means the higher-pitched tone is 4 dB louder than the lower-pitched tone.

  5. Volume: [1 - 100 percent, default 80]


HQ-Tone is a high quality (no alias) tone generator. This plugin is typically faster than Audacity's built-in "Square - no alias" generator, particularly for low frequencies, and provides more waveform choices.


Author: Steve Daulton

HQ-Tone is a high quality (no alias) tone generator.

Like the Square (no alias) option in Audacity's built-in Tone generator, the waveforms generated by this plugin produce bandwidth limited waveforms to avoid aliasing distortion. This plugin is typically faster than Audacity's built-in "Square - no alias" generator, particularly for low frequencies, and provides more waveform choices:


  1. Waveform: [Choice: Sine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, Inverse sawtooth (default: Square]

  2. Frequency (Hz): [20 - 10000 Hz, default 440 Hz] - the frequency of the generated waveform.

  3. Amplitude (0 to 1): [0 to 1, default 0.8] - The amplitude of the generated waveform. Note that due to technical limitations, the actual waveform may be very slightly different from the requested amplitude. However, the amplitude can be expected to be very close to the specified level (within about 0.001 dB).

  4. Duration: [must be greater than zero] - Time units may be selected by clicking the downward pointing arrow on the right side of the control.

  5. Phase (-180 to 180): [-180 to +180 degrees] - The starting phase of the waveform. Rising across zero is taken to mean a phase of 0 degrees for all waveforms.

  6. Smoothing: [Choice: Yes / No (default: Yes)] - Waveforms that have near instantaneous rise or fall times have noticeable ripple. When this option is enabled, additional damping is applied to smooth out the ripples, producing a cleaner looking waveform, at the expense of slightly reduced high frequency harmonics.


Generates a modulated pulse tone.


Author: Steven Jones.

Generates a modulated pulse tone.


  1. MIDI key: [0 - 127, default 60]

  2. Cents: [0 - 99 cents, default 0] - Detune amount

  3. Duration: [1 - 30000 milliseconds, default 10000]

  4. Mod Rate: [1 - 100, default 1] - number of modulation cycles

  5. Mod Depth: [-100 - +100 percent, default 90]

  6. Mod Wave: [0 = tri (default), 1 = up sawtooth, 2 = down sawtooth] - waveform of tone

  7. Width: [0 - 100 percent, default 0] - fixed pulse width

  8. Amplitude: [0 - 100 percent, default 100]

If the sum of the fixed width and the instantaneous modulation amount is outside the interval [0 - 99], the output will go to full off or full on.

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