Sequencer Effects

Audio Selection Sequencer 2

You can turn any short piece of imported, recorded or generated audio into a (repeated) sequence of notes based on chosen tempo, beats per sequence and semitone values. Any sound can be used.


Author: David R.Sky

Developed from the previous sequencers 1a and 1b (these can't be recommended due to the interface being too tall, and distortion problems). You can turn any short piece of imported, recorded or generated audio into a (repeated) sequence of notes based on chosen tempo, beats per sequence and semitone values. Any sound can be used (a guitar pluck or bell sound, cat meow, someone saying "hello", in fact - any sound). Comes with an 8-note default sequence already programmed in. Can also pan stereo audio, and transpose successive sequences. To generate a rest, use r, n, (), or a blank svp input line.


  1. Tempo: [beats per minute (default 210), beats per sequence (default 8), starting offset (beats) (default 0)]

  2. Pan stereo selection: [0 = no 1=yes (default)]

  3. Timing randomization: [0 - 100 plus or minus percent, default 0]

  4. Number of repeated randomized sequences: [0 - 8, default 0]

  5. Overall transpose value: [(default 0), then for successive measures (default 0 0 5 5 0 0 -5 -5)]

  6. Sequences to generate: [1 - 96, default 4]

  7. 1st Semitone, volume, pan value[s]: [default (0 1 0) (4 .5 .2) (7 .5 .8) (2 1 .5)]

  8. 2nd SVP value[s]: [default (12 .5 .8) (7 .5 .2) (4 1 1) r]

  9. 3rd, 4th. 5th and 6th SVP value[s]: [filled in by user]

Last updated