Adding plugins to this site

If you'd like to contribute first make a gitbook account and then go to to get access to the Plugin space. From there, editing works the same as described in the user guides section.

Alternatively, you can also make a pull request to the plugins branch on audacity support on Github.

Requirements for Plugins

  • Plugins must work in the current version of Audacity.

  • Paid plugins are not allowed at this point.

Requirements for Entries

Generally, a plugin entry should look like this:


Name of Plugin

A short description of what the plugin is good for.

Download page

Additional info, such as developer name, license and copyright info, a short "how to use" section or link to the documentation page, or a screenshot of the plugin - preferably of it working withing Audacity.

[screenshot, if applicable]


Note: When editing through pull requests on Github, note that Gitbook uses additional formatting tags than available in standard-markdown, so your preview might not match what'll be shown to users eventually.

Last updated